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Beyond Retro: Embracing Sustainable Fashion and Unique Style
When it comes to sustainable fashion, one brand stands out as a shining example of the beauty and impact of hand-me-downs: Beyond Retro....

Can your fashion choices make a positive difference in the world?
The short answer is: Yes, they can. Everything that you do makes a difference. Sustainable fashion is a topic that has been gaining...

Hemp Over Cotton? Exploring the Benefits and Sustainable Features of Hemp
As the world becomes more conscious of sustainability, consumers are starting to look for alternatives to traditional materials like...

Patagonia Control Given To Charitable Trust
the billionaire founder of the outdoor clothing and apparel brand Patagonia Yvon Chouniard has once again taken groundbreaking steps

Best Sustainable Footwear Brands
Talking about the best sustainable eco friendly and ethical footwear brands out there at the moment

Can clothes live forever? Fashion and the circular economy
One of the big issues with the fashion industry is the amount of waste it produces. As well as waste that is created during the...

8 things to do with old clothes to extend their life
As we’ve often talked out here at Care What You Wear, throwaway culture is a big issue in the fashion industry and in society at large....

What happens to clothes when you donate them?
People are throwing out way more clothes than charity shops can store and sell...So where does it end up?

4 of the Best Sustainable Jeans Brands
Discover some of the best brands making eco and ethically-minded jeans.

6 of the Best Sustainable Underwear Brands
We all wear it, almost all of the time. Whether it’s for all day comfort or a special piece for that special occasion, the underwear...

Introducing Team Care What You Wear
As soon as David from Care What You Wear contacted me about the project, saying they needed a writer, I was sold. I knew first-hand how...

Barriers to shopping sustainably - and why you shouldn’t shame people
Buying from brands that have a focus on sustainability is commendable and of course, people should be encouraged to do so. However, there...

Why championing sustainable brands is just as important as buying from them
Buying your clothes from companies that focus on minimising their negative impacts on the environment and pushing for positive change is...

Can you trust the high street brands on sustainability?
Can you trust the high street brands on sustainability? As people become more and more interested in shopping sustainably, there has been...

Care what you wear
How often do you think about the impact that your clothes make in their lifetime?
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